Sunday, October 10, 2010

Interactive Toys

"My dog is bored, what can they do during the day while I'm away at work?".

This is a question I get ask quite a bit by my clients. There are many products out there to help keep your dog entertained during the day when no one is home. A lot of these products can also be put in your dogs kennel with them to keep them busy.

Why are interactive toys great for your dog? Boredom and lack of exercises can lead to destructive behavior. In addition to exercise, mental stimulation can help alleviate boredom. That is why interactive toys are great. They can keep your dog entertained for hours, when your gone from the house, have guests over, etc. Plus they are FUN for your dog!

Toys For Just Your Dog

My all time favorite toy is a Kong. They come in different sizes, different shapes, and different chew strengths. I give my dogs these in their kennel with a smear of peanut butter all around the inside. They can be stuffed with anything appropriate for a dog. Your dog will spend a lot of time trying to get its content out of the Kong. The Kong web page has many different ways to use the Kong for your dog. They are dishwasher safe too!<

Another favorite of mine is a food ball. These balls are a great way to feed your dog, they have to work for their food. Just like they would in the wild. Food balls come in many different styles, shapes and sizes. Some are easier for those novice pups and some you can make harder for those smarty pant dogs!

Another line of interactive toys are the Busy Buddies. I find these toys are for the mild chewers, NOT the hard chewers. There are dozens of different food toys in this line. What I don't like about some of their toys is you have to use the Busy Buddies treats, not all the toys use their treats but some do.

Toys Requiring Owner's Participation

Nina Ottoson has made up a fabulous line of toys that involve your dog to use problem solving skills. Great for the brain and development of a puppies brain.
*These toys require human supervision and they must not be left alone with your dog.

They come with a little handout on how to start your dog on them and how to make them more difficult. Her web page also has videos on how to use them. These toys are more expensive but are worth the money. They are great for 1:1 time with you and your dog.

Check out all your local pet stores as you can find different ones at each place. Global Pets in Grande Prairie has quite a few stocked up. But above all remember that the best thing for your dog is exercise. These toys do not replace exercise, they should be used along side it. Also something to remeber with food activities is take into consideration how much food you are feeding your dog then take that much away from there regular feeding time. It's easy to over feed your dog with these toys!

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