Friday, October 15, 2010

Using Puppy Pee Pads

A question I have been asked frequently lately.
"What is your opinion on Puppy Pee Pads or Fake Grass in the house?"

In my opinion they are a waste of money! Why do I think this? Dogs cannot tell the difference between peeing on a puppy pad from a rug, to the carpet, to a bathmat. You are setting up your dog to fail. When puppy pee pads are used the puppy never really understands why it is okay to eliminate inside sometimes, but not always. Why can it pee on this piece of cloth, but not that one? Why pee here, but not there? Sometimes they start playing with the pad rather than using it correctly.

The best way to train a puppy for house training is the crate method (at night). The crate is not used as a punishment, but rather as a den. The puppy does not want to mess in its den so is taken outside several times a day.

Before your pup goes into its crate make sure it has eliminated. At night if the pup cries and cries, and you know it has eliminated, do NOT let it out of the crate until it stops crying. If you do you are rewarding the crying behavior. If you think your pup has to eliminate, take it outside for 10min or until it eliminates, praise when it does. Note: do not make this a play time, this is potty business. If it doesn't eliminate bring it in and put it back in the kennel. As it gets older it can hold its bladder and bowls longer and longer.

Things to remember when you are home and the pup is out.

1. Keep a close eye on it.
2. Do not give it the run of the house. Puppies don't need the whole house.
3. Scheduled feeding. Helps you keep track of when your dog ate, so you know when to put it out to poo!

There are three keys to remember when a puppy will usually need to go eliminate.

1. After it eats (right after, not 30min down the road)
2. After it plays
3. After it wakes up from sleeping

Take your pup right outside, give it a key word (like, go pee pee, pee time), and praise praise praise when it does eliminate outside. If after 10 min your pup hasn't gone. Bring it back inside for 20 mins, then take it back outside to the same spot and encourage your pup again.

Remember, DO NOT get mad, discipline or rub your dogs nose in its pee or poo if they have an accident inside. Dogs cannot comprehend this like humans can. When you discipline for having an accident (after the act) they think you are disciplining them for what is on the floor NOT the actual act of peeing. Instead, if they do go inside, clean it up, take your pup outside to the same spot and encourage them to go pee or poo.

The best way to correct your pup is to catch them in the act. As soon as you see the "peeing squat" give them a good NOOOO! or clap your hands to surprise them. Then take them RIGHT outside.

If you stay consistent and get your puppy on a schedule training a puppy to go outside is not a difficult task. Yes it is time consuming and yes there will be accidents. But not difficult.

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