Sunday, August 29, 2010

Naming Your New Pup

This is my view on naming your new pup. It's extremely exciting to get a new dog. One of the first things you think of, even before you get one, What shall I call my Dog.

Although a name should only mean, I am talking to you and give us the ability to attract our dog’s attention, a name we like and feel comfortable calling is good to have.

I find short names tend to be best, two or even one syllable names are the best. Pick a name that you love, because you're going to be the one who calls it ALL the time. I've had a Ruby, a Copper, a Lexus and finally a Molsen. I've wanted a Bentley, a Diesel, a Jersey and a Linkin. Do you see a theme there??? When you have two dogs or are bringing another pup into the family, make sure both names are not close together. It would be confusing to call a Jet and Jeb.

The name should come easily to your lips and be a word you can shout – you will be shouting his name, believe me. If you don't have a sense of humor pick a name that will not embarrass you. Use a normal name for him and keep the funny one for a nickname when you are sharing time alone or with good friends.

Try to select a name that is not easily confused with a command. Such as Beau and No, Stay and Fay, Pitt and Sit.

Choose a name that will grow with your dog and will fit him throughout his life. If you rescue or take on an older dog there is no problem in changing his name. He will quickly learn to respond to it if used in the correct ways.

So whatever name you select make sure you can say it with a smile – it should reflect the relationship you have with your dog and be a special communication between you and him. A name should be enjoyed, a name should be loved.