Tuesday, January 5, 2010


What we offer:


Beginner Obedience
6 week course, $200.00. 1hr/week
Is for the average pet owner wanting to teach their dog basic manners. Basic commands such as heeling, stay, sit (from side and away), come, down (from side and away), stand, finish, beginner off leash work (30 foot lines), and more will be taught. Minor behavior problems will also be worked on as well as doggy self control work. Doggy self control work is teaching your dog to focus on you, listen to you while there are distractions. Basic Obedience is for those dogs that are 5 months or older. Proof of vaccines must be provided.

Advanced Obedience6 week course, 200.00 1hr/week

Is for dogs that have completed Basic Obedience or equivalent. In Advance Obedience we will sharpen up the skills previously learned. Work will be done off leash, with off leash stays, comes, downs etc. Two jumps will be introduced, the long jump and high jump, as well as new commands, such as the moving down/sit/stay etc.

Puppy Basics4 weeks, 100.00, 1hrs/week

For puppies 10-20 weeks of age. This class is geared towards teaching you the owner and giving your puppy a one up on other puppies out there. You and your pup will be taught: To encouraging appropriate behavior, appropriate play, basic grooming, intro to the leash and collar, setting boundaries, house training, Crate Training and much more. Puppy Basics will start to build that bond with your puppy based on mutual trust and respect! Proof of second shots is required.

Get Rid of the Bad Behavior Class

First session $50.00
Additional sessions $30.00

This class is geared toward those bad behaviors all dogs tend to pick up. This class is geared toward those bad behaviors all dogs tend to pick up. Despite our best intentions, we sometimes have problems with our dogs. Often, a new perspective and some training techniques provide the solution. Individual counseling sessions are available. Short telephone consultations—ie less than 10 minutes—are free. First session is a consultation which includes working on the issue/behavior. Bad Behavior classes are a mobile (your house, park etc) sessions.

Note: At this time all classes are 1:1 ratio.

My Plan Thus Far

So, it seems to be quite a hard task to find a place to rent in Grande Prairie to do dog training. I did have a prospect out in Spirit River but that fell through a couple times. So, i've decided to venture out on my own, start small and do induvidual training from my garage. Kind of like a "garage band" but called "garage training".

So I spent all day Saturday cleaning out the garage, washing the walls, washing the floor and organizing stuff. Boy, do we collect a lot of junk in the garage. Next step is to paint the walls (with help from some awesome girl friends), find some posters and set up shop. Then ADVERTISE! I'm super excited, I'm an awesome trainer and can't wait to help those families with BAD DOGS!