Monday, September 7, 2009

Buisness Cards

Here is my new buisness card. As many of you may notice there are some spelling mistakes on it. Also if you know me and who I am, I am the worst speller ever! Usually I get someone to proof read my writings but in this case many people looked at my card and didn't say a thing. Also my e-mail is obedience with an 'A' instead of the 'E'. So FYI until I get new cards my e-mail will be I tell myself my e-mail is truly a reflextion on who I am, a girl who needs to take English again ;)

Here We Go Again!

So i've decided once again to do a blog. This time it will be one for my new buisness. I honesty am a bad blogger, or is that just a tape in my head. I just don't know what to write half the time. I figure with this blog i'm going to add stuff from my classes and updates on classes. So bare with me as I become a blogger once again!